Singing Guide: Ethel Merman

Singing Guide: Ethel Merman

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Ethel Merman was a Broadway legend with a powerful and commanding voice. She was famous for belting out songs with incredible volume and projection. If you want to learn to sing like Ethel Merman and take your voice to the next level, here are some tips to get you started.

  1. Work on your breath support
  2. Train your voice to sing in chest voice
    • Ethel Merman was known for singing in her chest voice, which is the lower register of the voice. Singing Carrots' chest voice explained video and Singing Comfort Zone video can teach you how to access and develop your chest voice.
  3. Practice your vowels and diction
    • Ethel Merman was famous for her clear diction and precise enunciation. Singing Carrots' articulation article includes exercises to help you improve your diction.
    • Singing Carrots' open mouth and throat article can also help you with your vowel sounds.
  4. Listen to and study Ethel Merman's recordings
    • Listening to Ethel Merman's recordings is a great way to learn about her unique vocal technique. Pay attention to her breath support, chest voice, and diction. Singing Carrots' search feature can help you find songs that are suitable for your vocal range.
  5. Take advantage of Singing Carrots' resources
  6. Sing from your heart
    • Finally, remember that singing is not just about technique, it's about expression and emotion. Ethel Merman was a master of conveying emotion through her singing and this made her performances unforgettable. Singing Carrots' singing with intuition, skills, emotion, and thinking article can help you connect with your emotions and express them through your singing.

In conclusion, learning to sing like Ethel Merman takes work, practice, and dedication. Use Singing Carrots' resources and practical advice to help you develop your vocal technique and express your emotions through your singing.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.